Happy Labor Day!!!
Labor Day in the US is a holiday celebrated on the first Monday in September. It is a celebration of the American Labor movement and
is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of workers. It
constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have
made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of their country. Labor Day was promoted by the Central Labor Union and the Knights of Labor, who organized the first parade in New York City. In 1887, it was established as an official holiday in September to support the Labor Day that the Knights favored.
Labor Day has come to be celebrated by most Americans as the
symbolic end of the summer. In high society, Labor Day is (or was)
considered the last day of the year when it is fashionable to wear white[or seersucker. Also In the United States, many school districts resume classes around the Labor Day holiday weekend.
Most begin the week before, making Labor Day weekend the first
three-day weekend of the school calendar, while others return the
Tuesday following Labor Day, allowing families one final get away
before the school year begins. Speaking of which, this can also be your
chance to "get away" on the high seas by getting ready to say goodbye
to summer and hello to the Fall when taking a Del Rio's Yachts cruise.
It's not too late to take advantage of the great weather we're still
having, while capturing the essence of what summer is all about, good
times, great fun and a celebration of family, friends and colleagues.
So give us a call today and take a break from your "labors" to
enjoy a cruise around the Hudson with those you enjoy spending time
with the most. We're looking forward to hearing from you soon. Until
then, enjoy the remainder of your summer...